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Behavioral problems

I know it feels hard right now but I can help!

  • Does your child have tantrums?

  • Do they seem to happen more often than other children? And last longer?

  • Does your child hit, bite, scream, throw things, or break things on purpose?

  • Do you find yourself needing to repeat yourself over and over to get your child to listen?

  • Has your child been described as “strong-willed”?

  • Are you often embarrassed by their behavior in public?

  • Has your child been kicked out of a childcare program for their behavior?

  • Do you love your child but dont like them because of their behavior?


Behavioral problems in children are common but you dont have to figure it out and weather these storms on your own.

In my practice I use Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) to help improve parent-child relationships and to decrease the behaviors that are getting in the way of you looking forward to spending time with your child.

PCIT is an evidence-based treatment (more on what that means in the FAQs) that was originally developed to treat Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Kiddos with ODD often exhibit aggression and defiance and are generally hard to parent--not responding to the usual techniques and strategies. Traditionally, PCIT has been used with children ages 2yrs to 7yrs but there is emerging research on the use of PCIT with even younger children.


What makes PCIT particularly unique is its use of technology in the therapeutic process: using live video feed and a bluetooth earpiece, I provide in-the-moment coaching to help you acquire and practice skills you are learning to manage your child’s behavior as they are occurring during sessions. 

PCIT is done across two treatment phases. The first phase of treatment focuses on establishing and enhancing warmth in your relationship with your child through learning and applying skills proven to help children feel calm, secure in their relationships with their parents, and good about themselves.  The second phase of treatment will equip you to manage the most challenging of your child's behaviors while remaining confident, calm, and consistent in your approach to discipline. In this phase, you will learn proven strategies to help your child accept your limits, comply with your directions, respect house rules, and demonstrate appropriate behavior in public. 

PCIT Works!

The bottom line, and why I am so passionate about this behavioral treatment,

is that it works!

Researchers in Oregon compared PCIT’s outcomes to outcomes from a variety of other interventions including traditional play therapy, other parenting programs, and even stimulant medication often used to treat impulsive behavior (e.g., aggression) and hyperactivity (see the infographic below). PCIT, when practiced consistently and fully mastered can be more effective in treating your child’s behavioral problems than medication! That’s amazing!


Since first being trained in PCIT in 2011, I have seen this treatment completely change family’s lives and return joy to their homes.


I cant wait to see what it can do for your family too!


Since it’s development in the 1970s, PCIT has been proven effective in treating many challenging behavioral problems stemming from a wide variety of sources.


PCIT is appropriate for children who:

  • have experienced trauma (e.g., physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, etc)

  • have challenges with attachment due to placement in foster care or adoption, or who are coping with parental separation/divorce

  • were exposed to substances (e.g., alcohol, drugs, etc) in utero

  • have neurological diagnoses such as Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

  • have developmental delays in any domain

  • simply have challenging temperaments


Over the course of treatment we can expect to see:

  • Decreased frequency, severity, and/or duration of tantrums

  • Decreased negative attention-seeking behaviors (such as whining and bossiness)

  • Decreased parental frustration

  • Increased feelings of security, safety, and attachment to the primary caregiver

  • Increased attention span

  • Increased self-esteem

  • Increased pro-social behaviors (such as sharing and taking turns)

  • Decreased frequency, severity, and/or duration of aggressive behavior

  • Decreased frequency of destructive behavior (such as breaking toys on purpose)

  • Decreased defiance

  • Increased compliance with adult requests

  • Increased respect for house rules

  • Improved behavior in public

  • Improved behavior in school/daycare

  • Increased parental calmness and confidence during discipline

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